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Clan Campbell

No overseas Campbell should ever feel that because they are out of touch with the incredible riches of their clan heritage that they are in any way less a "Campbell" by blood. The genes are there. Whether the "heart is Highland" is a matter of understanding and of personal style. What may be missing is that informed knowledge and lively practice of the culture of the Highlander. Well found elements of that can be learned and taught to the next generation so that it is once again a living heritage.

No overseas Campbell should ever feel that because they are out of touch with the incredible riches of their clan heritage that they are in any way less a "Campbell" by blood. The genes are there. Whether the "heart is Highland" is a matter of understanding and of personal style. What may be missing is that informed knowledge and lively practice of the culture of the Highlander. Well found elements of that can be learned and taught to the next generation so that it is once again a living heritage.

The purpose of this special issue is to attempt an outline or ABC of that living heritage so that those who yearn to investigate it further, and to make it their own, can start from a knowledge base which is sincere. If you can happily absorb the facts, inferences and courtesies indicated here, one thing is certain. You will know more of the facts about the Campbell background than do most Campbells.

Because there are those for whom time is precious or reading a pain, most articles are provided with introductory `fast track' paragraphs in Italics. There are a couple of pages of facts which all Campbells should know. You could try reading these before you go to sleep for three evenings in a row.

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